Wednesday, November 2, 2011

#6 Entrepreneurship: In what areas of the industry are there opportunities for innovation?

In the Aerospace and Defense Industry, opportunities for innovation all rely on consumer needs and wants. Whatever becomes appealing to a companies eye will attract them into purchasing those innovative products. There are always opportunities for newer and better products to be made, and European commercial aircraft and jetliner manufacturer, Airbus, has undoubtedly taken advantage. With more and more airline companies buying the most recently developed A320, Airbus now has a new consumer whom which we should all be very familiar with: JetBlue. Except what was different about this deal was that rather than ordering the A320, JetBlue Airways Corporation stepped out of their way and came to a conclusion with Airbus by ordering 40 of the innovating medium-haul A320neo single-aisle aircrafts that come out in 2016.

With the opportunity to make a new aircraft, Airbus developed the A320neo, which is a re-engined and more fuel efficient model of the A320. JetBlue Airways has also switched their previous order of 30 A320’s to the more futuristic and larger A321 aircrafts. They invest much of their time and money into all of Airbus’ models by having a total of 92 of their models, including the A320, the A320neo and the A321.

In the Aerospace and Defense Industry, opportunities have to be taken advantage of years prior to the product’s actual availability to customers. Unlike the Food and Tobacco Industry, the Aerospace and Defense Industry deals with business-to-business companies. Since aircraft manufacturers are such a vital part in international businesses, thorough years of development have to be accounted for in order for a “near-perfect” product to be finalized.


  1. I understand that aircrafts manufacturers must plan in advance before a new product become available but what confuses me is how will they take into account consumers needs when the economy is as unstable and unpredictable as it is now?

  2. As a business, should companies such as Airbus and Boeing focus on introducing new and improved products to customers or simply rely on requests? I feel as if the companies should offer new products to the customers in order to improve customer satisfaction.

  3. When introducing a new product, planning will take a long time but also I feel like contracts for these products will be expensive as well..
