Sunday, November 13, 2011

#7 Human Resources and Leadership: Who have been some influential leaders in your industry for the past 20 years?

The Boeing Company is known as one of the most prominent companies in the Aerospace and Defense Industry. Its highly respected status would not be the same today if it weren’t for the leaders that have carried this company for the past 20 years. Current CEO, president and chairman of the board, James McNerney Jr., supervises the overall strategic direction of The Boeing Company. He also puts a strong emphasis on ethical conduct for his employees in order to keep the gears on this successful business running. As time progresses, the difficulty of product development significantly increase because quicker changes must take place and customer needs continue to vary.

CEO of Boeing Commercial Airlines, James Albaugh, has done an especially superb job of gratifying the needs of Boeing’s target market. The present requires a strong understanding of the complications and inconsistencies in the economy. With the recent development of the 787 Dreamliner, Albaugh has been quite successful in meeting those requirements. The 787 Dreamliner is not only an innovative aircraft with a sleeker and cleaner appeal to it, but it is also environmentally friendly by being more fuel-efficient than Boeing’s previous models.

Another noteworthy figure that has been with Boeing is its Chief Financial Officer, who is retiring next year on April first, James Bell. Bell has been the CFO since 2003 and McNerney said, “As CFO he has created a world-class finance organization and culture of continuous improvement.” Without Bell’s meticulous financial analysis, Boeing’s success in revenue and profit would not be where it is today. In most recent news, Greg Smith will be taking over Bell’s CFO position. Smith and Bell will be collaborating until Bell’s retirement. Smith has more than 20 years of experience in the industry and before he was a corporate controller in 2010, he led the company’s financial planning and analysis and internal audit groups.

Boeing has had an extensive and intelligent group of leaders who have brought Boeing’s status to a high point. Its future looks bright because as one of the leaders step down, a younger, yet experienced, individual steps up to take the pressures and challenges.


  1. I agree that Boeing is well-prepared for any transaction in its workforce. Greg Smith will be taking Bell's position but he has two decades of experience under his belt and is very familiar with the company because he has previously worked in a lower position.

  2. I think that the retirement of these CFO's won't necessarily decline the company's performance, but will only make Boeing stronger with newer innovated ideas by new CFO's.

  3. Will the retirement of James Bell from Boeing Company result in a decline in the company's performance. I am confident that Boeing has acted appropriately in training Greg Smith, and that he is fit for the job of CFO. Though James Bell aided Boeing through the financial crisis, Greg Smith has been in the industry for a long enough duration to succeed.
